Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Review of RAAYA Julienne Cutter Shredder Peeler and Slicer

RAAYA Julienne Cutter, Shredder, Peeler and Slicer!

And I love it! It's four tools in one! It comes with 4 different interchangeable blades, one for a Peeler. It is great for julienne cuts of veggies like carrots, beets, radishes, or to decorate dishes. Another blade is a Cutter. It is perfect for shoestring potatoes, squash, apples, or long lined items. The third blade is a Slicer. It is ideal for cheese or zucchini strips. And finally the last blade is the Shredder. You can use it to accent desserts with grated chocolate or top meals with Parmesan cheese. You get all four blades and you can easily change from one to another. There is a bar on one side and you move it to take the blade out. Pop in the new blade and put the bar back. That's it. All four of these blades are razor sharp so use caution when using them. I wear a protective glove on the hand holding the foot to keep my skin protected. It also comes with a great cleaning brush which is perfect for getting into the small holes on the blades.

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